mush Bush calls for concerted international effort

President George Bush today called for a coordinated international effort to solve financial problems that threaten to bring down the world economy. Good for shrub, but I can’t forbear to point out that this is the same President Bush who just a few short years ago seemed to believe in the invincibility of the United States, much as Republican vice presidential nominee, Sarah Palin, seems, today, to believe. The BBC is updating the Bush story with new video, but the first version carried under the President’s picture the very interesting caption, “Mush Bush warned it would take time for the financial crisis to pass.” I wish I had thought to take a screen shot.

Meanwhile, the DOW is down over 500 points. I could almost feel sorry for shrub these days, maybe even admire him for trying to rise to the occasion. Nah — I’d rather remind myself of this:

2 thoughts on “mush Bush calls for concerted international effort

  1. Here’s a question from someone—me—really incompetent in matters of economics: has anyone considered the relation between GWB’s spending and the current mess? Seems to me that not only have his policies enabled greedy ceo’s but what about the budget-challenged pres?

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