Small but mighty stays in the park

ABC News is reporting this morning that Brookfield Properties, owners of Zucotti Park, have postponed eviction of OWS protesters, while police in Denver have been less conciliatory with protesters at the State Capitol there. Meanwhile, the St. Louis Post Dispatch carried this fine editorial in this morning’s edition.

And it’s too bad the Cardinals lost last night, but one fan (who claims to represent a large group) is undaunted and left a letter to the editor as follows:

Small and mighty

I, Auggie, a Busch Stadium squirrel, represent the St. Louis Chapter of Major League Baseball Squirrels of America. We have stayed primarily in the bleachers for many years, heading for the high-priced sections only to snack on leftover peanuts and Cracker Jacks. But we were there when the Cardinals needed us and would appreciate the respect we deserve. We might be small, but we are mighty. Expect to see more of us. We shall not be fooled by traps with peanut butter. When the Cardinals need help, count on us to be there.

Try to trap us, and bad luck will prevail. Our ancestors helped the Cards win many very important games in Sportsman’s Park and a few in the “old Busch Stadium.” We are as much of baseball as Abner Doubleday.

Ron Henges • St. Louis