hate crime

I’ve beeen reading reactions to the murder of Dr. George Tiller. Reports that characterize Dr. Tiller as an “abortion doc” are bad enough. At last count, Politico presented 460 comments to its lead story posted by citizens who applaud Dr. Tiller’s death, or not; and they are mostly worse. I like New York governor David Paterson’s statement the best among those I have seen from Public figures.

Dr. Tiller was targeted for his belief in the right of women to make their own health decisions. He protected that right and sought to ensure that his patients were provided with the medical, emotional and spiritual counsel they needed to make the right choice for themselves and their families. He continued this work despite the threat of harmful retaliation, physical attacks and the destruction of his clinic.

I’m also distressed tonight that someone I know was severely beaten last Friday outside a gay bar here in St. Louis as he took a breather from a birthday party he was attending there. The events are similar and also radically different. And it’s ironic that my friend’s beating qualifies as a hate crime, but the murder of Dr. Tiller doesn’t.