making sure it goes on

The title is stolen from the late Richard Hugo’s collected poems. I’ve loved it for many years. Maybe I should write something about Hugo, here—but whatever, it’s time for something new.

So I’ll remember that The Hon. Russ Carnahan was in town last week and walked into a restaurant where a number of us were having dinner to celebrate birthdays. We noticed him across the room, and he must have sensed our recognition because he came over to our table to talk. We told him that all of us were hoping that he would continue to support the public option part of proposed health care legislation. He allowed that he would and added that the public option will be in whatever bill the house advances.

Carnahan also volunteered that he thought the health care debate was a good thing, even though much of it had been rough, taking a view that I think can be defended: that our new president has re-energized public discourse. It was good to talk to the congressman.

As for the health care debate, so called: The Daily Beast offers this video with the headline: “NJ Town Hall Reaches New Low.” True enough, but the woman on camera is spunky, and she gets her message past the hecklers.

Just another example of what is fast becoming the norm in my country where swaggering thugs carrying assault rifles parade outside venues where the president is speaking. It’s good to think that moral suasion can sometimes cut through the lies and bravado.